
Use this tool to manipulate polygons, adjusting vertices and segments.

On the Design menu, point to Polygon Edit, then click Network to display the following interface.

Use the drop-down list to select the layer containing the line segments or polygons.

Click OK to load the layer onto the screen and display the following toolbar.

Add Polygon

Add a polygon.

Add Segment

Add a line segment.

Replace Vertex

Replace a vertex by clicking on it to select it, then clicking on the screen to position a new vertex.

Tip:   This will reposition vertices of imposed intersections as well. Just click Impose Intersection before clicking Replace Vertex.

Replace Edge

Replace a segment by clicking on a line segment to select it, then clicking on the screen to add one or more vertices.

Replace Segment

Replace a polygon by clicking on a polygon to select it, then clicking the screen to add one or more vertices.

Delete Vertex

Delete a vertex by clicking on it.

Delete Edge

Delete a line segment between two vertices by clicking on it.

Delete Segment

Delete a polygon by clicking on it.

Remove Degenerates

Removes all vertices that have less than two segments connected to them.

Impose Intersections

Places a vertex at all line intersections.


Undo the last action.


Redo teh last action if it has been undone.


Exits the option. You will be prompted to save your edits.