Remove Crossovers

Use this option to remove crossover sections in polygons.

On the Design menu, point to Polygon Edit, then click Remove Crossovers to display the following panel.

Use advanced options


Regions with winding number < 0 are filled.


Regions with winding number > 0 are filled.

Even odd

Regions with an odd winding number are filled. Regions with an even winding number are not filled

Non zero

Any non-zero subregion is filled.

The winding number of a region within a polygon is the number of times an infinite ray cast in any direction intersects the curve. Downwards intersections decrease the winding number, Upwards intersections increase the winding number.

Use projection plane

Select this option to work in a plane other than plan view. Select the Plane method from the drop-down list to define a plane with the selected method. See below for explanations of the available plane methods.

Create copy

Select this option to create a copy of the output results. The copy can be saved to the existing layer by selecting the option Same layer, or saved to another layer by using the drop-down list, or to a new layer by entering the name of a new layer into the Layer name textbox.