Setting up a Digitiser

Prior to using a digitiser with Vulcan, ensure it is connected to the computer and is working correctly.

To check your digitiser is working correctly, try the following.

Serial Port Settings

For Windows 2000, right-click on the My Computer button, select Properties and then the Hardware tab. Select the Device Manager button and the Ports (COM & LPT) entry. Right-click on the COM1 port entry. Select Properties and then the tab labelled Port Settings. Set the values to those outlined below.

Bits per second: 9600 Data bits: 8 Parity: Odd Stop bits: 1 Flow control: None

Set your digitiser to correspond with these settings plus include the two following settings:

Continuous mode Binary format

Refer to the Troubleshooting for Digitisers section (under the System Administration documentation) for more information.

Serial Port Connectivity

Most digitisers come with their own testing software. We recommend using this to ensure the digitiser is working correctly before attempting to use it with Vulcan.

If, however, you do not have any testing software, then you can still check that your digitiser is sending information to the computer. To do this, we recommend using the 'HyperTerminal' program.

Note:   If WinTab drivers are installed, then you cannot use the HyperTerminal program.

Click on Start > Programs > Accessories > Communications > HyperTerminal. In the panel labelled 'Connection Description', enter in a reference name, for example, 'Digitiser'. In the next panel labelled 'Connect to,' for the Connect using field, select COM1 from the drop-down list. In the panel labelled 'COM1 Properties' be sure you make the settings match the above port settings.

Now, click a button on the digitiser puck. You should see output appearing on the HyperTerminal screen. If it is readable ASCII output, then you digitiser needs to be changed to binary. If you don't, then check the cable. Is it a null modem cable? If you still don't see output, then toggle the digitiser on then off then on and then try again to get output sent to HyperTerminal.