Use this to clip a triangulation between a series of successive planes and produce new triangulations. The new triangulations are referred to as shells ( <base_name><shell_id>.00t ).

Unlike the Shells option (under the Model > Triangle Solid submenu) this executable only allows you to create fixed width shells.


t rishell <triangulation> <width> [options]

<> indicates a mandatory switch.
[ ] indicates an optional switch


Option Description


Refers to the name of the nomintated triangulation.


Refers to the width of the resulting shells.


The [options] for this executable are:

-plane [X|Y|Z]=<value>

-plane <coords>

Use this option to define the clipping planes.

Can be one of the three coordinate planes, for example -plane x=1, or three points defining a plane, for example -plane x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 x3 y3 z3.

The plane Z= 0 is used by default.

-basename <name>

Use this option to specify the base names of the shells.

The format of the shell names is:


By default the input triangulation name (<triangulation>) is used as the base name.

-distance <start>

Use this option if you want the shell name identifier to be the distance. You will need to enter the starting level.

-sequence <start>

Use this option if you want the shell name identifier to be an increasing sequence. You will need to enter the starting number.


Use this option if you want to create a single shell.

Important This option cannot be used with the -range option.

-range <front> <back>

Use this option if you want to create a range of shells. You will need to enter the number of front (<front>) and back (<back>) shells.

Important This option cannot be used with the -single option.


Use this option if you want to test the input triangulation for crossing triangles.

-ledge <angle>

Use this option to remove ledges.

Ledges may be formed where the resulting triangulation contains triangles that are parallel to the clipping plane. If this occurs, then crossing triangles are created when you try to close the triangulation.

You will need to specify a tolerance angle (<angle>). Triangles that deviate by less than this amount from the clipping plane will be deleted.

-noise <tolerance>

Remove noise using BCube tolerance

Use this option to remove the little disconnected sections of a triangulation that are created when performing the clipping. It is possible to get lots of little sections and one main section of interest. The BCube tolerance refers to the volume of the cube that bounds the island in 3D space, i.e.

(MaxX - MinX)  (MaxY - MinY)  (MaxZ - MinZ)

The islands are formed when a clipping plane passes just below a peak.


Use this option to close each shell.

-min <length>

Use this option to specify the minimum length of the shell name identifier (shell_id). The default is '1'.

-colour <start> <end>

Use this option to specify the start and end colour numbers for the shell. The shells are coloured using these colours and the colour sequence in between.

For example, if you selected colour 1 and 10, then the shells would be coloured with colours 1, 2, 3, 4,..., 10, 1, 2, etc.

The numbers refer to the colour's position on the colour table. Colour 1 is the upper left hand corner and colour 32 is the lower right hand corner.

The default values are '1' and '32'.


Use this option to solid shade the shells.


Use this option to show triangles on shells. This option only works with the -solid option.

-destination <directory>

Use this option to specify a directory. If a directory isn't specified, then the current working directory will be used.