
Use the Save option to save a drafting sheet into the drafting database (drafting.dgd.isis). Unlike the File > Save option, which saves ALL design work including drafting sheet, this option only saves design work created/changed in the 'DRFT_EDT' layer, that is the current drafting sheet.

No panels or prompts apply. As soon as the option is selected, the drafting sheet will be saved.

The drafting sheet will be stored in your drafting database (drafting.dgd.isis), which resides in your $ENVIS_RESO area ($VULCAN/etc/resources). If the database does not exist, then it will be created as soon as you start to create a drafting sheet. Alternatively, you can copy the default drafting database in $VULCAN/etc/defaults to the $ENVIS_RESO area and change the copy to meet your requirements. As the default design database in $VULCAN/etc/defaults contains the default drafting sheets delivered with Vulcan, do not modify it.