
The Plot Edit submenu contains options you can use to load and edit plot files.

When a plot file is loaded, the entire plot is loaded into a specified layer. Hence you can edit this layer in the same manner as normal Vulcan layers. You can add objects to this layer, place rectangles and ellipses around objects for added emphasis, add explanatory text and join it with an arrow to the objects and clip parts of the plot file for placement purposes.

Note:   A plot file loses its object structure when saved. When the file is loaded back using the Open option, an object structure is imposed on the plot data. This structure does not necessarily match the original object structure. We therefore recommend that if multiple editing sessions are to take place on the same plot, then the plot is saved in the database rather than continuously loading and saving the data in the plot file. However, plot data stored this way takes up about 50% more space.
You may want to set up a separate database for the plot files, and delete them from this database once all editing has been completed and the file is regenerated.

Related topics:

  • Load
  • Open Plot-Edit Window
  • Create
  • Sheet Template
  • Clip
  • Rectangle
  • Ellipse
  • Arrow