View Traces

Use the View Traces option to display geophysical traces from a database alongside drillholes.

Note:   If you are using ageophysic.spec file from an earlier version of Vulcan, then the View Trace Specifications option can be used to convert the file to the Vulcan format.


On the Geology menu, point to Downhole Geophysics, and then click View Traces to display the Load Geophysical Traces panel.

Use database associated with each hole

Select this option to load the trace from the same database that contains the loaded hole.

Use specific database

Select this option to load all traces from a specific database. Select the Choose button to display the Database panel.

Use currently loaded drillholes

Select this option to display traces for drillholes that are currently loaded in the Vulcan window.

Select individual drillholes

Select this option pick individual drillholes in the Vulcan window that you want to display traces for.

Use current view's display angle for trace orientation

Select this check box to display the trace according to the orientation of the current view.

Display as a layer

Select this check box to display the geophysical traces in a Vulcan layer. If this check box is selected, then you will need to enter the name of the layer in which to display the geophysical traces. If this check box is not selected, then the traces displays as an underlay and will be deleted upon exiting Vulcan.

Note:   Traces displayed as layers cannot be labelled.

Draw frame

Select this check box to draw a bounding frame around each trace. You will need to specify the trace interval (the distance between each trace label across the frame); the depth interval (the distance between each depth label down the frame) and the colour used to display the frame.

Use pattern in schema

Select this check box if you want the pattern for the available interval to be used for the histogram.

Trace Schema

Enter, or select from the drop-down list, the name of the geophysical trace that you want to display. Up to 10 geophysical traces can be displayed.

Click OK.