
Display Drillhole Information

Use Identify to display, in the Report Window of Vulcan, collar information on a nominated drillhole. This option, if you select a single drillhole, is also available as a Vulcan context menu option.


On the Geology menu, point to Drilling, and then click Identify.

You will then be prompted to select a drillhole. When the drillhole is selected, its first header table information (usually the collar table) displays (for example HOLEID , EAST , NORTH , RL ) in the Report Window. The drillhole identification number displays at the collar position in the graphics window.

You are then asked whether to display the next header record or select an intercept.

Next header record

Displays the next header record in the Report Window. If you continue to select Next header record, then you are actually stepping through all the data stored in the database relating to the nominated drillhole. When there are no more header records, the box will be removed and you are asked to select an intercept


Prompts you to select the intercept. An intercept is the boundary between two depth fields. Selecting an intercept from the nominated drillhole results in the intercept being annotated with its bottom depth, plus the relevant field information from that intercept as per the selected drillhole legend when loading the drillhole. Information about the intercept displays in the Report Window.