Selection Properties

Display Drillhole Selections

Use Selection Properties to display highlighted drillhole intercepts when selecting corresponding drillhole records in an Isis table. Selection of a record in Isis, highlights the appropriate intercept or entire drillhole in the Vulcan Window depending upon which table the record is in. When selecting a record in Isis, the entire row must be selected for the drillhole to be highlighted in Vulcan.

In order to use this option, you will need to have a BottomDepth and TopDepth synonym for the FROM/TO fields.

Refer to the Database Elements section for more information about Synonyms.


  1. On the Geology menu, point to Drilling and then click Load Drillholes to display the drillholes on the screen.
  2. On the Geology menu, point to Drilling and then click Selection Properties to display the Database Selections panel.

Display Drillhole Selections

Select this check box to display drillhole selections in the Vulcan Window. If this check box is selected and you select a drillhole record in an Isis table, then the corresponding drillhole intercept will be highlighted in the Vulcan window.

Selection Colour

Choose the highlight colour to be applied to selected drillhole intercepts.


Enter the width of the highlight.


Select the translucency of the highlight. A translucency of 100% will result in the highlight being invisible.

Display end plates

Select this check box to highlight drillhole end plates.

Click OK.

Selection of a record in Isis will now highlight the appropriate intercept or entire drillhole in the Vulcan window.

The settings will be stored directly into vulcan.prefs so that they can be reused.

  1. Open the Isis database and display the ASSAY table, then find the drillhole you want to examine and highlight the row that represents the interval you wish to see highlighted in Vulcan. To display more than one disc, hold down CTRL and select multiple rows.