
This section describes the options under the Drilling submenu.

Use the Drilling options to:

  • Display drillholes onto the screen using a variety of loading options, for example by name, by section, by polygon or through filters (SQL type selection statements).

  • Apply cylindrical discs to loaded drillhole traces.

  • Model surfaces or structures that are defined in a samples database.

  • Display collar positions onto the screen.

  • Register drillhole collars onto a triangulation.

  • Interactively interrogate any holes on the screen for any information stored in the samples database.

  • Label any hole on the screen with any information stored in the samples database.

  • Recolour holes displayed on the screen by any other field in the same record, i.e. if holes are loaded displaying Cu, then you may select holes to redisplay them by

  • Interactively calculate simple "composite" of any hole displayed.

  • Load and edit the desurvey information for any hole. Produce reports of survey readings at any interval down the hole.

  • Convert geophysical data from DB2 format to Vulcan binary format.

  • Edit and display lithological data.