Remove Using Located

Removes drillholes from the screen

Use the Remove Using Located option to remove drillholes from the display depending on the selection criteria.

Note:   The drillholes are only removed from the screen and not deleted from the corresponding database.


On the Geology menu, point to Drilling Utilities, and then click Remove Using Located option

The Remove dialog box displays.

Last located

Select this option to remove the drillholes located (highlighted) from the last Locate run.


Select this option to remove all drillholes currently located.

All except last located

Select this option to remove all drillholes except those located in the last run.

All except located

Select this option to remove all drillholes not currently selected (highlighted).

The dialog box is then redisplayed, allowing you to select another removal option. Cancel when you have finished removing drillholes.