Extract Located to DB or CSV

Creates a database from selected drillholes

Use the Extract Located to DB or CSV option to create a subset drillhole database or CSV table from the currently displayed and/or located drillholes (depending on the selection criteria).

Drillholes can be loaded in a variety of ways from the Geology > Drilling submenu, for example use of a selection file, polygon extents, or in triangulation bounds.


On the Geology menu, point to Drilling Utilities, and then click Extract Located to DB or CSV option

You will be prompted to extract the drillholes to either a Database or a CSV file(s).


Isis File

Select this option to create an Isis database. Enter, or select from the drop-down list, the name of the Isis file. Click Browse to select a file from another location.

If the database already exists, then you can choose whether to:

    • Delete Database and reload
      Creates a new database and inserts the located drillholes.
    • Keep database and keep original holes
      Appends the new holes to the existing database.
    • Keep database and overwrite existing holes
      Replaces the drillholes in the database with the located drillholes.


Select this option to export drillholes to an ODBC design. Select from the drop-down list the name of the database design file (. dsf) that contains the ODBC link.

CSV files

This panel allows you to create CSV ( C omma S eparated V alues) files. A separate file will be created for each database table and the file name will be the table name. If a CSV file with the same name already exists, then you will be prompted as to whether or not you want to overwrite the contents of the existing file.

Include title line

Select this check box to include a title line (field names) in the CSV file.

Field separator

Enter the character to use as the separator (a comma is the default).

Click OK.

A dialog box containing options that allow you to specify which holes are extracted to the subset database is then displayed. This dialog box allows you to select the group of drillholes to extracted from the ones currently displayed. If no holes are currently highlighted (located), then the system will assume you want to extract all of the holes currently displayed.

Last located

Select this option to extract drillholes located (highlighted) from the last Locate run.


Select this option to extract all drillholes currently located.

All except last located

Select this option to extract all drillholes except those located in the last run.

All except located

Select this option to extract all drillholes not currently selected (highlighted).

All drillholes

Select this option to extract all drillholes currently displayed.

The drillholes are extracted and inserted into the subset database or CSV files.