Implicit Modelling


The Implicit Modelling option in Vulcan allows you to create 3D models of either geology domains or grade shells. The models are created using data directly from the drillhole database or a composite database. Consistent models for each domain are then produced using preferential orientation and influences.

You can also use structural trends or provide explicit control via limiting with existing interpretation polygons. This will allow you to enforce interpretation in areas where you want to keep detailed control.

The result is a block model ready for the next step in the modelling process and triangulated surfaces for verification and presentation.


The input for this tool is a drillhole database or a composite database. Each domain must be indicated. The drillhole database can be used at the resolution of the data samples, or a user-defined sample length can be specified. If the database displays in Vulcan, you can select the drillhole or composite database by clicking on one of the drillholes.


Anisotropies can be defined through preferential search orientation and sizes. The tool also supports the use of structural trend surfaces. These surfaces are used to define variable trends in the space which are interpreted as following the trend surface. This works like the Bend option except that only a single surface is required.

User Controls

You can exert manual control over the model by limiting polygons. Each domain can be associated with a set of polygons in any orientation that the resulting model must follow.


The output will be a set of solid triangulations for each domain or cut-off grade. If the domains are contiguous, the solids will have consistent boundaries. In addition to the solids, a block model will also be created with the domain assigned to a block model variable plus additional variables for boundary distance.