
This section allows you to define the horizons of interest for modelling. The horizons should be entered in the order they occur from the surface to the bottom of the drilling. The Horizon List refers to the definitions configured through the Horizon Criteria section .

The horizon list is stored in a file named <proj>.gdc_glob , which is also accessed by Grid Calc and Rsvute. This folder makes it convenient to pick the desired horizon(s) for creating and loading mapfiles, viewing grids, and running reserves. There may be some seams found by Horizon Criteria that are not of interest, perhaps they are not economical. Because the list also defines the overburden and midburden for each seam, all undesirable horizons should be removed from the list before building your mapfiles. Mapfiles for horizons that represent unconformable surfaces, such as depth of weathering, should be created from a Horizon List containing only that horizon's identifier. Remember to save the Horizon List (using the Save Horizon List button) for use in Grid Calc and Rsvute.

Load Horizon list

Select this button to load the horizon names from the project.gdc_glob file. Nothing will change if the horizon list does not exist in the project.gdc_glob file.

Save Horizon list

Select this button to save the list to the project.gdc_glob file as the horizon (seam) list.