Horizon Criteria

This section is used to define what material is mineable. The horizon is set to all entries in the field associated with the Sample ID defined under DB Record Definition. If you had another database field named LITHO that contained entries, such as (

All inseam waste is separated (PT) when the sandstone is defined as waste. The remaining material is defined as "mineable" thickness (TK). Mineable horizons can also be limited by numeric fields, such as thickness, BTU content, etc.

Character Type Fields


Specifies how multiple character conditions are to work together.

Char Field

Contents of this character field must match that supplied in the Contents field for material to be categorised as "mineable".


Must be matched with the Char Field to make this condition true. wildcards are acceptable.

Numeric Type Fields


Specifies how multiple numeric conditions are to work together.

Numeric Field

Contents from this field must lie between the specified minimum and maximum values to be categorised as "mineable".


Enter the minimum and maximum values.