
Data Record


Enter, or select from the drop-down list, the record in which the horizon (seam) field is located. Only records defined in Database 1 are acceptable entries. A drop-down list will be present once a database has been specified.

Horizon Field

Select the field containing the horizon (seam) values.

Database 1...

A minimum of one record must be defined.


Select the record from which you want to create or extract mapfile field values. As drillholes are spatial, you must supply the To value.

From (optional)

Select the start or top of the interval. If not supplied, then the start of a new interval is assumed to be the end of the previous one. First interval begins at 0.0.

To (mandatory)

Select the end or bottom of the interval.

Horizon (optional)

Select the field containing the horizon (seam) value.

Continuation (optional)

Select from the drop-down list the field that flags the current record as a continuation of the previous record.

NextFlag (optional)

Select from the drop-down list the field that flags the following record in the database as a continuation of the current record.

Percent (optional)

Select from the drop-down list the synonym for the percentage field.

Database 2... (Optional)

Refer to theDatabase 1information. Used only in Composite Mapfile generation.