Variable Selection

In general, several variables are composited at a time. A maximum of 6 variables (fields) can be specified. For example, 2 variables from Database 1 and 4 from Database 2 is the maximum.

Report these fields from Database 1

Record and Variable

Select the name of the record containing the field to be composited, and the field name ( variable ) itself.

Horizon Default

Enter the default value for the corresponding composite variable, for those intervals that match the horizon region equation, i.e. non-waste intervals.

Waste Default

Enter the default value for the corresponding composite variable, for those intervals that do not match the horizon region equation, but fall in the first and last matching intervals, i.e. the waste intervals.

Tip:  An average value for the specified variable is often used. Use the defined "Null" value if you want these waste intervals to be ignored completely.

Report these fields from Database 2

Refer to the Database 1 fields.