Symbols On

Use the Symbols On option to display a symbol beside each sample in a sample group.

You must have a symbol field in your samples database that contains the name of the symbol to be used for each sample. The default name for the symbol field is SYMBOL. However, it may be specified in the DB_FIELDS section of the . smp file as something else. The default symbol angle is " 0.0 ", and the default unit size is " 1.0 ". These can also be read from the database using the fields SYMANG and SYMSIZ respectively. Again, they can be changed in the . smp file.

Database Fields
Record Field Field Field Field Field Field Field

To change the last three default names to SYM , SIZE and ANGLE , the DB_FIELDS section in the . smp file should show:



Select Geology > Sampling > Symbols On.

Select the sample to display the Symbols Colour panel:

Samples field

Enter or select from the drop-down list, the field (in the currently open samples database) that will be used to colour the symbols.

Colour scheme

Enter or select from the drop-down list, the colour legend (in the Samples colour scheme) that will be used for the specified field. For example where Fe is greater than 10.0 the symbol displays in red, where Fe is less than 10.0 it displays in blue.
Fixed size symbols
Select this check box to use fixed size symbols. If this check box is not selected, then scalable symbols will be used.

Note:  Scalable symbols change size as you zoom.

Select OK.

The symbols are then displayed.