Import Points

Use the Import Points option to place digitised points into the samples database. You can also plan soil sampling grids an import object names that consist of both alpha and numeric characters.


Select Geology > Sampling > Import Points to display the Import Points into samples database panel.

Blast Identifier

Enter the blast identifier (sample group) into which the imported points will be stored (maximum size of 20 alphanumeric characters). If the sample group already exists, then the points will be appended.

Each point is identified by its W tag. This W tag will be stored in the ID field for a sample. If a sample with the same ID already exists in the sample group, you can overwrite it with the new point by selecting the Update Repeated Sample IDs option. If you don't want to update the existing sample with the new point, then select the Keep Sample

Click OK.

The Multiple Selection box is then displayed. This allows you to select the points by category. Upon selection, the points are imported into the nominated sample group of the samples database.