
The Wash Conversion module converts and queries washability data from a Mincom (relational database) style washability data source. Its primary function is to provide a mechanism to do bulk washability queries on data in this form (i.e. on a series of drill holes at the same time), producing washability mapfiles that can be used for modelling and reporting purposes.

Its secondary function is to create a composite Maptek style washability data source (Isis database), from the holes selected, at the chosen size-fraction range, that can be used for individual graphical query using the Washability Data options.


An Isis database containing data records from a Mincom or similar style relational database containing geological information and associated washability data. Only a subset of the full Mincom structure is required. The required records are:

  • Drillhole header record (Mincom equivalent datasheet 01)
  • Sample advice record (Mincom equivalent datasheet 04)
  • Washability data record (Mincom equivalent datasheet 16)
  • Lithology data record (optional - Mincom sheet 02)

The Drillhole header record must have the following fields:

  • Hole name - name of the drill hole (key)
  • Easting
  • Northing
  • Collar RL
  • Total Depth

The Sample advice record must have the following fields:

  • Sample number
  • Coal type (see Mincom documentation for more details - only records with raw coal need be included, but if all coal types are included we can select from them using these data)
  • Top depth
  • Bottom Depth
  • Seam name
  • Ply name (field needed even if sub-naming is not used)
  • Minus size - the passing sieve size
  • Plus size - the holding sieve size
  • Sink SG - this field should be blank for raw coal, but is needed for the check on integrity of Mincom data
  • Float SG - this field should be blank for raw coal, but is needed for the check on integrity of Mincom data

The Washability records come in groups (i.e. comprising a washability table) and the records must have the following fields:

  • Sample number - to relate to the sample advice record
  • Coal type - to relate to the sample advice record
  • Gravity separation flag field (contains codes for separation technique)
  • Other washability technique field (contains codes for other washability techniques; for example froth, timed-froth, slime. These are used in addition to the gravity separation data as part of the overall query).
  • Raw RD field
  • Status field - see Mincom documentation. Used by Vulcan to verify data for selection. Only data with a blank status field is used.
  • Minus size - to relate to sample advice record
  • Plus size - to relate to sample advice record
  • Size fraction mass yield (duplicated data on every record in a table)
  • Sink SG - duplicated data on every record in a table
  • Float SG - duplicated data on every record in a table
  • Wash fraction mass yield
  • Variables measured in wash fraction sample (for example ash, csn,

These data are the required records from a Mincom database and the fields required are a subset of the fields on these Mincom record types. The data listed above is the minimum required to run this subsystem. It is, however, perfectly acceptable to import all of the data.

The best way to acquire these data are in the form of ASCII listings from the Mincom system in the form of CSV tables. Design an Isis design (datasheet) to match either the full Mincom data structure, or the subset listed above. Then use CSV Update in Vulcan to create an Isis database (or CSV Load - but CSV Update will give you better data checking for duplicates etc. Once you have this, it will form the basic data structure from which you can do the full range of washability analysis in this module.