UG Ring Design toolbar




Display Preferences

Allows you to set/modify the default display settings. Refer to the Underground > Ring Design > Display Preferences option for more information.

Create Sections

Allows you to create section lines that define the locations of the blast rings. Refer to the Underground > Ring Design > Create Sections option for more information.

Open Blasthole Database

Allows you to open an existing blasthole database or create a new one. Refer to the Underground > Ring Design > Open Blasthole Database option for more information.

Navigate Sections

Allows you to set the working layout for the Ring Design module. Refer to the Underground > Ring Design > Navigate Sections option for more information.

Step Forward

Allows you to set the next layout as the working layout.

Step Backward

Allows you to set the previous layout as the working layout.

Display Current Layout/Plane

Allows you to show/hide the current working layout and, if applicable, the current working plane angle. Refer to the Underground > Ring Design > Display Current Layout/Plane option for more information.

Create Hole

Allows you to create individual blastholes. Refer to the Underground > Ring Design > Create Hole option for more information.

Layout Pattern

Allows you to create multiple blastholes (automatically) for a layout according to a set of layout definition parameters. Refer to the Underground > Ring Design > Layout Pattern option for more information.

Fill Pattern

Allows you to create multiple blastholes (automatically) for a layout according to a set of layout definition parameters. Refer to the Underground > Ring Design > Fill Pattern option for more information.

Create/Edit Five-Spot Hole

Allows you to create/edit a five-spot or 'dice five' blasthole. Refer to the Underground > Ring Design > Create/Edit Five-Spot Hole option for more information.

Move Hole

Allows you to change a blasthole's position. Refer to the Underground > Ring Design > Move Hole option for more information.

Delete Hole

Allows you to delete blastholes from the screen, as well as the blasthole database. Refer to the Underground > Ring Design > Delete Hole option for more information.

Adjust Lengths

Allows you to adjust the lengths of a group of blastholes. Refer to the Underground > Ring Design > Adjust Lengths option for more information.

Change Sequence

Allows you to change the value (name) that is stored in the NAME field of the HEADER table in the blasthole database. Refer to the Underground > Ring Design > Change Sequence option for more information.

Report on Layout

Allows you to generate a blast report for selected layouts or individual blastholes. Refer to the Underground > Ring Design > Report on Layout option for more information.

Section Plots

Allows you to create a set of cross section plot files. Refer to the Underground > Ring Design > Section Plots option for more information.