Initiating a Lava Script

To apply active commands to design objects we use the Intelligent Objects Editor. You will need to have completed the Getting Started tutorial before undertaking this tutorial. Unlike the Initiating a Vulcan Command tutorial, this tutorial will provide you with information on how to initiate a Vulcan Lava Script.

Recording a Simple Lava Script

Applying Active Commands

Saving the Settings

Removing Active Commands

Recording a Simple Lava Script

  1. Select File > Macro Create.
  2. Enter the following into the Save Macro As panel before clicking OK.

    Figure 1 : The Save Macros As panel

  3. Select Analyse > Label > Object Label. Through the displayed panel, select the following options.

    Figure 2 : The Label Object panel

  4. Click OK.
  5. From the Multiple Selection box, select the Layer selection method followed by one of the design objects contained in the HAUL_ROUTE layer. Right-click twice to exit out of the Object Label option.
  6. Click on the Stop button to stop the recording.

    Figure 3 : The Macro Control toolbar