Remove by Name

Use this option to remove grid mesh models from the screen.


On the Model menu, point to Grid Mesh Surfaces, then click Remove by Name.

Grid Mesh Name

Enter the file identifier ( < gfi > ) of the grid mesh to be removed from the screen (full name is <proj><gfi>.<mv>g ). The model variable needs only be entered if it is different from the default ( SF = Structure Floor). Wildcards (* multiple character and % single) may  be used. Wildcards and picking from a list can be used together.

For example, entering T* and selecting the Pick from list check box results in a list of models whose file identifier starts with " T ".

Pick from list

Select this check box to generate a list from which you can select the grids. The list contains all of the names that match the grid mesh name field entries. If this check box is not checked, then all of the models that match the entered model name are removed without any further input.

Click OK.

If you chose to pick the grids from a list, then a list of all loaded grid mesh models displays. Select the models for removal.

The models are then removed from the screen.