Auto Project (Mesh)

Project Blocks Automatically

Use the Auto Project (Mesh) option to perform all the projections that are specified in an existing macro projection file, as does the Auto Project option. However, with this option, all the selected blocks are merged into one mesh. Corners and walls are only represented once in this mesh, rather than once per block. Because the blocks are connected in a mesh, the projection function can take the relative movement of adjoining walls into consideration during the projection. The mesh is then projected according to the macros associated with the selected blocks.

The most important influencing factor with this option is the priority of walls. The walls with the highest priority will dominate the projection, so the corners will generally project along the dominant wall, with adjoining walls following. The priority order of wall types is (highest to lowest) SPECIAL, FACE, END, SIDE.

The macro file must have been assigned to the blocks to be projected.
If there are two macros on the one wall (from different blocks), then the projection rules for that wall should agree.
All macros used by the projection must have the same number of steps.

The Auto Project option can be used to perform projections with an existing macro projection file.


  • A direction must be determined.
  • A macro must be defined.


On the Open Pit menu, point to Benching and Batters, and then click Auto Project (Mesh).

The Multiple Selection box displays. This to select the objects (blocks) by category. The layer, group or feature category can be used to select an entire strip. Cancel the selection box when you have finished selecting blocks.

A percentage bar displays showing the projection progress. To stop the projections, click [ Esc ]. The current block will finish before stopping.

A pop-up box displays to show the progress of the projection operation.

If an error occurs during projection, an error message displays, and the process will stop. If an error does occur, you may want to adjust the settings and try the projection again. Other suggestions include projecting only the blocks causing the error until they project properly, or exclude the blocks not projecting as desired and try the projection again.

As the projected blocks all have the same feature name (PIT$BLOCK), they may be deleted without deleting the original 2D blocks ( Design > Object Edit > Delete option using the feature selection category).

The object names of the projected blocks are the original 2D block names plus the number of the operations performed on it. For example, if the first block in the strip produced a polygon from the second projection (that is, the second operational command in the macro file), then the block is called 001:02.

The names can be displayed through using the Analyse > Label > Object Label option. They can be changed through using the Open Pit > Benching and Batters > Block Number option (under Benching and Batters).

Note:   The projected blocks also have a linkage set up to point to the reserve database to be created with the Run Batvol option. Therefore once the reserves are calculated, the blocks can be inquired (using the Analyse > Attribute Data > Inquire option).