Create Macro

Create Block Projection File

Use the Create Macro option to create a macro file for block projections.

The macro file consists of commands that specify block projection parameters. These commands are either operational or instructional. Operational commands perform an operation on a block while instructional commands tell the projection how it is to be done. The commands that can be generated through the option are as follows:

Table 1 - Instructional Commands
Instructional Commands Description Qualifiers
CONNECT_CORNER Specifies that lines be drawn connecting the corners of the blocks
LIMIT Specifies the topography surface. This is derived from the Set Up option /SURFACE
STRAIGHT_FACE Specifies that the face for each projected block remains straight in plan

Table 2 - Operational Commands
Operational Commands Description Qualifiers
BERM Takes the current block and berms it /SURFACE
PROJECT Takes the current block and projects it to a surface. The surface is derived from the Set Up option (upper seam) /SURFACE
REGISTER Registers a block to a surface. The surface is derived from the Set Up option (lower seam) /SURFACE

By default, block projections are done from the bottom seam up, that is, vertical, upward projections. To project downwards, you will need to edit the macro file and incorporate the /Down qualifier. To project horizontally, edit the file and incorporate the /Horizontal qualifier.

Use the Edit Macro option to edit the macro files. A list of all available commands and qualifiers is provided in Appendix C.


On the Open Pit menu, point to Benching and Batters, and then click Create Macro to display the Benching and Batters Specifications panel.

Project spec file

Select this option to create a new benching and batters specification ( <proj>.bb_spec) file.

Select spec file

Select this option to choose an existing specification file from those in the current working directory.

Set up a default projection (if defaults are set in this bb_spec)