Horizon Legend

Display Horizon Legend

Use the Horizon Legend option to display the topography, roof and floor legend. This is derived from your entries in the Setup panel. The Setup option will initially display if the *.bb_spec has not been selected in the current Vulcan session.


On the Open Pit menu, point to Benching and Batters, and then click Horizon Legend.

Indicate the position for the legend. The legend is then positioned (see example below).

Figure 1 : Example Horizon Legend

where *.DGD.Isisis the selected limit database, TOPOis the selected topography, (LIMIT)is the selected topography limit layer and BP, CPand DPare selected horizons.

Use the Remove Underlay button on the Standard toolbar to remove the legend.

The legend that displays changed depending on if the horizon has or has not been limited in the Setup option.

If the horizons have not been limited, the legend does not display the *.dgd.isis name at all, and if the horizons have been limited, the legend displays the *.dgd.isis name and the limiting layer name as well, beside the horizon names. The following to diagrams illustrate these differences.

Figure 2 : Horizon legend - limits

Figure 3 : Horizon legend - no limits