
Check Macro Assignment

Use the Inquire option to display the contents of a macro projection file that has been assigned to a block/wall. A block/wall needs to be displayed onscreen in order to use this option.


On the Open Pit menu, point to Benching and Batters, and then click Inquire.

Select the block or wall. Once selected, you will be asked whether you want to view or edit the file.

Use the Cancel option to select a different block or wall.

  • Click the View File option to display the contents of the file onscreen.
  • Click the Edit option to edit the file. Once selected, the chosen macro displays through the Benching and Batters Projection Macro panel.

Note:   Macros created in versions 7.0 and earlier displays through a text editor. The Notepad application is the default text editor for Windows, however, you can use the ENVIS_EDIT environment variable to reference a different text editor.