Toggle Marks

Turn Marks On/Off

Use the Toggle Marks option to turn on/off the marks on original blocks or walls that were produced using the Direction option.


On the Open Pit menu, point to Benching & Batters, and then click Toggle Marks option

First, the Toggle Wall Markers box displays. Select the desired operation from the listing.

Next, the Multiple Selection box displays. This to select the blocks/walls by category. Upon selection, the blocks that have marks will have them removed. Blocks that have no marks will have them displayed.

  • This option also works for walls that have been changed through the Change Wall option.
  • Turning the marks off is necessary when you want to edit points on a block, or when performing a simple projection. See the Open Pit > Open Cut Design > Project option.
  • Once the walls have been edited or projected, the marks can be turned on again. Only blocks or walls that have directions set to them will be affected.