Walls Visibility

Make Wall Projections Visible/Invisible

Use the Walls Visibility option to adjust the visibility of walls and also delete walls. The visibility of walls can be adjusted by layer or for all walls. Walls can also be deleted using this option, by layer, by visibility or by deleting all walls.


On the Open Pit menu, point to Benching and Batters, and then click Walls Visibility to display the Option dialog box.

Invisible By Layer

Select this option to make projected walls invisible by layer.

All Invisible

Select this option to make all projected walls invisible.

Visible By Layer

Select this option to make projected walls visible by layer.

All Visible

Select this option to make all projected walls visible.

Delete By Layer

Select this option to delete projected walls by layer.

Delete All

Select this option to delete all projected walls.

Delete Visible by Layer

Select this option to delete the visible walls by layer.

Delete All Visible

Select this option to delete all of the visible walls.


Select this option to exit the Walls Visibility option.

If selecting by layer, then you will be prompted to select the layer. Once selected, the visibility will change. If selecting all walls, then the visibility is changed immediately. Any deletion must be confirmed before the projected walls get removed from the screen.