Survey Pegs

Generate Survey Pegs

The Survey Pegs option to create the survey peg locations from a 2D blast pattern. It uses the blast hole parameters from each hole in the pattern to create the survey pegs.


  • Select Open Pit menu
  • Select Blast Design submenu
  • Select Survey Pegs option

Once selected, the following confirmation box displays.

If all the bays in the layer are to be processed, indicate Generate survey pegs for all bays. For a single bay to be processed, indicate Generate for a chosen bay only.

If generating survey pegs for all bays, the prompt Select LAYER to generate survey pegs will appear. Indicate the layer by selecting one of the pattern objects in the layer. If generating for a single bay only, the prompt Select BAY to generate survey pegs will appear. Indicate the bay and its layer by selecting one of the pattern objects in the bay. In both cases the generated survey peg locations will be placed in the same layer as the pattern objects from which they are derived.

If the layer (in the case of generating for all bays) or the bay (in the case of generating for a single bay) already has survey pegs for any of its pattern objects, then you will be asked whether you want to delete the existing peg locations or quit this option.

Indicating Delete existing survey peg locations will automatically delete the old survey pegs prior to creating new survey pegs. Indicating Quit this option will quit the option as it would be possible to have duplicate survey pegs for a single pattern hole.

The survey pegs are created using the following criteria :

  • The hole parameters are read from each pattern hole object.
  • The survey peg location is related to the hole location, the drill bearing, and the perpendicular and parallel offset distances. Given the hole location, measure to the left and perpendicular to the drill bearing a distance of the perpendicular offset. Then from this point measure in the reverse drill bearing direction a distance of the parallel offset. This is the survey peg location.
  • The survey pegs are created as objects of echelons that is, each echelon in the layer or bay is a single object, with each survey peg in an echelon a point in the echelon object. The sequence of the points in the survey peg objects is based on the ranking of the row name, as described in the section Layer/Object conventions.

The survey peg objects are created using the colour selected from the colour table.