Hole Parameters

Edit the Hole Parameters on a Pattern

The Hole Parameters option to edit the hole parameters for chosen holes in a pattern. All holes in a 2D pattern are created using the hole parameters current during the creation. Under certain circumstances holes will require modifications to their parameters For example, the drill orientation.


  • Select Open Pit menu
  • Select Blast Design submenu
  • Select Hole Parameters option

Once selected, the following dialog box displays.

Select the option required that is, modify the hole parameters for a given hole, a given row, a given echelon or the entire bay. Then select either the pattern object to process, or a pattern object in the correct row, echelon or bay. Upon selection, the following panel displays.

Blast hole specifications panel

Edit the appropriate values in the panel, and indicate OK. If Cancel is indicated, then no change will be made to the selected holes.

If processing by row or bay, then you will be asked to only modify the chosen bay or all bays.

Indicate Modify all bays to edit all bays in that layer, else indicate Modify the chosen bay only.

The selected pattern hole objects are modified and shadowed temporarily. Continue on to edit more holes in the layer.