Create Designed Outline

Create a Designed Outline

The Create Designed Outline option to create a designed outline. This is the bounding polygon defining the area of the blast. The outline will be created at the bench toe elevation.


  • Select Open Pit menu
  • Select Blast Design Bench submenu
  • Select Create Designed Outline option

Using any of the available design entry modes, digitise the outline. Cancel when you have finished digitising the outline. The outline is then closed to form a polygon. You can then, optionally, create break lines to generate smaller polygons.

Select the blast outline, that is, the polygon that will used as the blast outline. You will need to confirm your selection.

Upon confirmation, the original outline and breaklines are shadowed. New ones are coloured as per designed outline colour in the Set Up option. This can be seen more clearly if you drag the new polygon to another position ( Drag option under the Design > Object Edit submenu).

The outline is stored in a layer named <bench number>_<blast number>_BD .