
Generate holes

The Generate option to generate holes based on the parameters specified through the Set Up option. The holes are created as multiple objects and stored in a layer < bench number>_<blast number>_HO .


  • Select Open Pit menu
  • Select Blast Design Bench submenu
  • Select Generate option

Select the boundary. This refers to the polygon that represents the designed outline. Holes will only be generated if they fall in the selected boundary.

You will then be prompted to select the first and last point in base line. The base line determines the orientation of the pattern. Any two points may be used to define the base line. All rows in the blast hole pattern will be parallel to the base line nominated here. The Burden is measured perpendicular to the base line.


The baseline is commonly parallel to one side of the polygon boundary or points in the polygon boundary can be used.

Select alignment of grid. This is a reference point for the position of the blast hole pattern.

For example, to line the new blast hole pattern up to an adjacent pattern, a hole in the existing pattern can be used as the reference point. In this way, the new pattern is aligned to the existing blast hole pattern. If the reference position falls in the layout area, then a blast hole will be created at that point. The reference point can be selected using any of the available design entry modes.

Once the alignment has been indicated, a pattern of holes is generated and displayed. The symbol used for the holes is the cross symbol. This is delivered with the system and cannot be changed. The colour and symbol size are however controlled by the Set Up option.

The RL for the collar of the hole is determined by the bench toe and whether Upper or Mid RL has been set for the bench height. The holes are stored in a layer named <bench number>_<blast number>_HO .