Create Single

Create a Single Blasthole

The Create Single option to create interactively single blastholes. The colour and symbol to be applied to these holes may be different from the normal holes.


  • Select Open Pit menu
  • Select Blast Design Bench submenu
  • Select Create Single option

The following panel displays.

Single hole symbol and colour panel

Single hole symbol

Select the symbol that will be used to represent the new blasthole. You have the choice of using a square, cross, circle, semicircle, star or a double triangle.


Do not use the square symbol if you intend to use the blastholes in surveying.

Single hole colour

Select a colour for the new blasthole. The colour will be selected from the current colour table.

Select OK.

You will then need to indicate the position of the hole. Once indicated, the hole is created with the colour and symbol specified in the panel. Cancel when finished creating holes.

You are then returned to the panel and you can reset the symbol/colour for further single holes.