
Edit Blastholes

The Edit option to edit the parameters of individual blastholes. The parameters include orientation, absolute depth and minimum drilling length.


  • Select Open Pit menu
  • Select Blast Design Bench submenu
  • Select Edit option

The Multiple Selection box displays. This to select blastholes by category.

Once selected, the following panel displays.

Blast Hole Editing panel

New Orientation

Enter the new orientation. The new orientation must be between 0.0 and 360.0.

New Angle

Enter the new angle. The angle must be between 0.0 and 90.0.


Enter the absolute depth of the blast hole.

Minimum drilling length

Holes with a length less than this will not be affected by the changes.

Blast Hole Name

Enter the name for the blast hole (a maximum of 10 alphanumeric characters).

Select OK.

The editing will then be applied. If you were selecting blastholes by group, feature or layer, then the panel will be redisplayed for each blast hole in the category.

Once all have been edited, you will be returned to the Multiple Selection box.