
Calculate Tonnage of Blast Boundary

The Tonnage option to calculate the tonnage of a blast outline and posts this calculated tonnage as a text object onto the screen.

The tonnage is calculated as follows:

where area = area of selected outline, height = bench height and density = density. The height and density are set through the Set Up option (under the Blast Design Bench submenu).


  • Select Open Pit menu
  • Select Explosive Analysis submenu
  • Select Tonnage option

Select the blast outline. The outline is then highlighted and the calculated tonnage displays. Select Yes to accept the calculated tonnage.

Indicate the text origin. This refers to the position where the tonnage displays as a text object. Any of the design entry modes can be used to indicate this position. Once indicated, the tonnage is posted to the screen.

The size of the text object is defined in the Set Up option. The text object is stored in a layer named <bench number>_<blast number>_TN .