Outline Reports

Create a Report of Outline Coordinates

The Outline Reports option to create a report of the coordinates (X, Y) of the boundary polygon of the blast. You can also post this report to the screen as a text object so that it can be plotted.

The format of the report file name is:

<bench number><deposit>_<blast number>bp.rep .

An example of the report is given in Appendix A. The layer in which the object is placed is named <bench number>_<blast number>_OR .


  • Select Open Pit menu
  • Select Explosive Analysis submenu
  • Select Outline Reports option

Select the outline layer. You will need to confirm the layer selection. The report is then generated and written to the report file. The contents are also displayed in the Report Window.

Select the text origin. This refers to the position, in the current window, where the report will be posted to (indicate the position of the upper left hand corner). Cancel if you don't want to post the report into the current window.


The report will be truncated if the file is too large.