Create Polygons

Create (Charge) Polygons

The Create Polygons option to create polygons with a feature. A feature is a predetermined set of attributes such as colour, line type or pattern. The polygons created can be used to calculate the tonnage of material in the polygon (using the Tonnage option) and to create annotated plots of the blast pattern.

Features are created through the options under Design > Feature Edit and stored in the <proj><id>.ftd file.

A feature could be defined for each hole depth. An example of a 9m hole feature would be:

BEGIN$DEF 9.0 Description='9 metre holes' Layer_Name='POLYGONS' Layer_description='Charge polygons layer' Object_Name='9m' Object_description='9m hole' Colour='4' Line_Type='1' Pattern='4' Direction='AS_IS' NO_W_line NO_Name_line Close No_New_Object Points='150000' Connect='STRING' Mode='INDICATE' NO_Curve_1 NO_Curve_2 END$DEF 9.0


  • Select Open Pit menu
  • Select Explosive Analysis submenu
  • Select Create Polygons option

Select the required feature.

Digitise the polygon. You will then be asked whether or not you want to create another polygon.

The created polygons will be stored in a layer named <bench number><blast number>_PY .