Aquila Report

Create a Blast Report

This option is identical to the Aquila Report option under the Open Pit > Blast Hole Layout submenu.

The Aquila Report option to produce a blast report that can be loaded directly into the Aquila system. The resulting report can be viewed through Microsoft Excel or a text editor.

Both the blast holes and the boundary containing the blast holes must be displayed onscreen prior to selecting the Aquila Report option.


  • Select Open Pit menu
  • Select Hole Design submenu
  • Select Aquila Report option

Select the boundary polygon. If you haven't set the default method for designing holes, then the Create Holes panel displays first.

The Multiple Selection box is then displayed. From this box, choose your method for selecting the blast holes. Cancel when you have finished selecting blastholes. Depending upon your selection method you may need to cancel more than once.

The following panel is then displayed.

Export to Aquila panel

Output file

Select the file that will be used to store the generated blast report. The default report name will be the first selected layer name.

To create a new file, enter the file name and file extension.

Decimal places

Enter the number of decimal places that will be used in the resulting report. The default value is ' 2 '.

Column Selection

Select the columns to include in the resulting blast report. The blast report can consist of the following information;

  • blast names
  • hole names
  • Eastings
  • Northings
  • elevation values
  • mast angles
  • azimuth values

The Easting, Northings and elevation are reported for the toe. The mast angle refers to the angle between the hole vector and the vertical (taken from the toe up to the collar). The azimuth is the survey bearing from the toe to the collar

View output

Select this check box to view the blast report as soon as it has been generated. The resulting file can either be viewed through Microsoft Excel or through a text editor. The Notepad application is the default text editor for Windows, however, you can use the ENVIS_EDIT environment variable to reference a different text editor.

Select OK.

The blast report is generated and, if applicable, the resulting file will be opened through the appropriate program.