
Output to Schute

The Schute option to output the last calculated reserves to a database so that this can be used by Schute (Scheduling utility). The format of the database name is <proj><id>.rin. It is a binary file which can be accessed directly from Schute. Scheduling blocks which overlay each other are determined, as this information is required by Schute.

Note:   This option requires mining blocks or increments with reserves already calculated.


On the Open Pit menu, point to Increment Design, and then click Schute option

The following panel displays.

Rin database name panel

Reserve inventory database

Enter the <id> part of the database to which you want to output the last calculated reserves. If the database exists, then new records will be appended and existing records will be overwritten. If the database does not exist, then it will be created.

Pit code

Enter the reserves identifier (pit code) to be used.

Select OK.

The Multiple Selection box is then displayed. This to select dependency blocks by category. Use the object category for individual blocks, the group category for blocks on the same RL, the layer category for the entire pit. Dependency blocks are generally used when large numbers of blocks need to be used in reserve calculations.

Once the blocks are selected, the dependencies are calculated and written to the nominated database.