Output to Long Term Scheduling System

The LTSS option to output the last calculated increment reserves plus haulroad information so that it can be used by the Long Term Scheduling System. The option also computes EFH values.

The system to which this option outputs, is a client's in-house system. However, the option can easily be modified to output to your system. Contact your local Maptek office for details.

Note:   Reserves must be calculated for the increments prior to the option being selected. Haulroads and exit points must also exist as well as haulroad information such as face length, final pillar lengths per block and contour fill tonnage, that is, the Reserves, Haulroads and Report 2 options must have been carried out in the current session before using the LTSS option. The option also uses a nominated shortest path file. See the documentation for the Network Design module.


On the Open Pit menu, point to Increment Design, and then click LTSS option

The following panel displays.

LTSS Interface panel

Shortest path file

Enter, or select from the drop-down list, the name of the file that contains the shortest path calculations. The full name is <proj><name>.spf.

File to write to

Enter the name of the output file. The maximum size of the output file name is 40 alphanumeric characters. The full name is <proj><filename>.lts.

Remote machine name/account name/directory

These values define where the output file is to be placed.

Select OK.

The following panel is then displayed.

Variable Translation panel

Refer to the STSS option for an explanation of this panel and subsequent panels.