
Use the Pairs option to create toe and crest strings by projecting from either toe, crest or mid bench strings. This is useful for completing the creation of the pit by interpolating missing design information.

The layer containing the current design strings must be on the screen, to allow picking of objects for interpolation. The string must be a line, not points only. The interpolated string will be placed in the design layer.


Click the Pairs button from the Open Cut Design toolbar.


On the Open Pit menu, point to Open Cut Design, and the click Pairs to display the Toes and Crests panel.

Projection Method

There are three methods for creating toe and crest strings. Each method depends on the position of the reference strings for the projections.

From toe strings

Select this option to create crest strings from the toe strings.

From crest strings

Select this option to create toe strings from the crest strings.

From mid bench strings

Select this option to create the toe and crest strings from mid bench strings.

Bench Parameters

Default Batter Angle

Enter the default angle for projecting up and down the batters.

Override set batters with default

Select this check box to use the default batter angle. If unchecked, then the batters assigned to the strings are used.

Nominal Bench Height

Enter the bench height.

Automatically calculate bench heights

Select this check box to calculate the bench height from the distance between the elevations of successive pit strings.

Check string for cross overs

Select this check box to check and remove crossings that may have been produced by the projected strings.

Click OK.

The Multiple selection box is then displayed. Select the required objects, and cancel when you have finished making the selection. You will then be asked whether or not you want to project the selected strings.

Project Strings continues and interpolates string lines according to the information inserted in the Toes and Crests panel.