Cut Reporting

Use Cut Reporting to reconcile planned mining polygons with end-of-period polygons and create a map of planned shapes inside a polygon.

This option does two primary things:

  1. Boolean a set of mining polygons against another polygon.
  2. Calculate and/or report on values from data stored with the polygon (standard object attributes like Value, Name, Description, Group as well as extended data (metadata)) - with the ability to select whether the object information is simply a display value (name) or a sum value (tonnage) or an average variable (grade in the Value field). The sum variables would be a proportional value based on the end-of period.


On the Grade Control menu, click Cut Reporting to display the Select By panel.


Input (with those items required for the first version of this option marked with circle bullet point vs. a square bullet point for secondary functionality):

Mining Polygons (usually an output from, for example, Grade Control)

Pick from the screen; or select (browse) for a dgd and layer with the ability to use a wildcard for layer

End-of-Period Polygons (a digitized representation of the mining for the end of a period)

Pick from the screen; or select (browse) for a dgd and layer with the ability to use a wildcard for layer

Bench Definition

Mining Polygon elevation defines the bench; or - End-of-Period Polygon elevation defines the bench; or define the 'Bench definition' as it is done in the option for Open Pit > Bench Volumes on the Bench Definition tab.

Note For the first two options you  would need to define where the mining polygon sits on the bench (Toe, Mid-bench, Crest) and the bench height.

Variables to Report

Tonnage calculation based on Tonnage Variable (selected attribute field by the user; or Tonnage calculation based on a density (user entered or attribute of the mining polygon).

Variables to sum

Variables to weight average

Display variables (e.g. text variables)


The results would include:


Overlap/boolean of the mining polygon(s) with the end-of-period polygon(s) on a bench-by-bench basis with the attributes from the mining polygons carried over to the resulting polygons.  Note that this is the intersection of the mining polygon(s) and end-of-period polygon(s).

Saving of polygons

To a dgd and layer specified by the user (no dgd entry = stored to current dgd); or to a dgd specified by the user and layer(s) with the name specified by fields with the ability to use multiple fields to make up pieces of the layer name.


Save and load a specification with the above parameters.