Flag Toe/Crest string

Use the Flag Toe/Crest string option to apply standard Vulcan naming conventions to pit or dump strings. This option requires that you identify individual pit or dump strings as a 'toe' or 'crest'.

Naming conventions are then assigned to each string as follows:

PRU<value> (for crests)

BRU<value> (for toes)

These naming conventions are required by other options in the Open Cut Design, Ramps and Phase Design submenus.

Note Once a string has been defined as a crest or toe string, it will inherit the graphical attributes (colour and line type) set through the Graphics Toe/Crest/Road option.

The most common application of this option is when the starting string of a pit or dump has been digitised manually, or created through the Register option (under the Design > Object Edit submenu), which does not apply the open pit naming conventions. You don't need to use this option when the pit or dump has been entirely designed using the Design Pit/Dump option (under the Open Pit > Ramps submenu).

This option also sets the group and feature codes of the object. Crests are allocated to the PIT$CREST group with the PIT$PROJ feature. Toe strings are allocated to the PIT$TOE group with the PIT$BERM feature code.


Click the Flag Toe/Crest string button on the Open Cut Design toolbar.


On the Open Pit menu, point to Open Cut Design, and then click Flag Toe/Crest string.

Select the lowest string in the pit or dump design. Identify this string as a 'toe' or a 'crest'.

The next string can then be selected. Again, you will be asked whether this string is a crest or toe. Cancel when finished.