Performance by Phase-Bench

Use this option to calculate the average width and length according to a flagged phase variable in a nominated block model. This option is useful when wanting to assign performance according to geometric constraints.

The results generated through this option can be outputted to a nominated CSV file and/or a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.


On the Open Pit menu, point to Open Cut Design, then click Performance by Phase-Bench.

Follow these steps:

General Setup

  1. Enter the name of the specification file that you want to open into Load specification file. The drop-down list contains all of the (.ppbf) files found in your current working directory. Click Browse to select a file from another location.

    To create a new file, enter the file name.

  2. Select the block model that you want to use. The drop-down list contains all block models found within the current working directory. Click Browse to select a file from another location.

  3. Select the name of the variable that will be used to store the phase, length , and width variables.

    The drop-down lists contain the names of all the variables that were assigned to the chosen block model.

  4. Select the Width direction (X or Y) in which to calculate the average length and width.

    Click the Pick button to indicate the direction onscreen. Be sure the block model is already loaded into Envisage before using this option. The block model border display will change to resemble what is shown below, with the X and Y axes displayed as red lines. Click on a line to select the direction.

Performance Matrix

  1. Click the Assign performance to variable check box to store the performance average in a nominated block model variable. The name of the block model variable can either be manually entered or selected from the drop-down list.

  1. Use the Performance Equipment table to generate a matrix with geometric constraints.

  1. Select the Break point percentage is used to determine the break point between two indicated widths. The break point percentage can either be manually entered or specified through using the available slide bar.

    Example:  If one bench has a width value of '180', and the break point is '50', then Vulcan will assign a value of 210 to the nominated performance variable.

Advanced block selection

Use the Advanced Block Selection options to limit the blocks used in the calculations. These are all optional and are not required.


Set up how you want to view the results by editing the Report options.

Check the Show results on completion check box to display the results upon completion.

Excel options

This pane lets you format the text and chart produced in Excel.

Save And Run

  1. Enter a name into Save specifications into to save the input parameters of the panel. By default, the name of the currently open specification file (.ppbf) displays.

    To save any edits made to an existing specification, just enter a new file name and save. The file name, including the file extension, can be up to 256 alphanumeric characters in length.

    If you edit an existing specification file and save the edits without renaming the file, then the values will be overwritten with the new parameters.

    Tip:  Leave the Save specifications into field blank if you don't want to save the settings defined in the Performance by phase-bench interface.

  1. Click the Save option to save the specifications in the nominated specification file.

    Click the Run option to run the specified parameters.

    Note:  Selecting the Run option will also save the specification to the specification file.