
The naming option to manually name the currently loaded mine blocks.


On the Open Pit menu, point to Pit Layout, then click Naming to display the following panel.


Specification name

Select the.sb_spec specification file to load.  The drop-down list displays all available.sb_spec files found in the current working directory. Click Browse to select a file from another location.

Block Naming Method


Select the desired method from the drop-down box.


Automatically names the blocks in sequence based on the Sequence Layout button selected.


Names the blocks in the order that you select by clicking on them.

Selection Order

This option is like Interactive except it provides a context menu to select by criteria such as object, layer, group, etc.

Digitised Line

Names the blocks in the order of a line that you digitise.  The line is digitised at the time of naming.

Existing Line

Names the blocks in the order of a line that already exists.

Sequence Layout

Sequence blocks from the end

Select this option if you want the naming sequence to always begin at one end of the strip.

Sequence blocks from alternate ends

Select this option if you want the naming sequence to wrap around and alternate between beginning at one end and the other.

Enter your the naming parameters here.  As the parameters are entered, you will be able to see an example below.

Prefix (optional)

Enter an optional prefix.  The prefix will always be capitalised.

Identifier (mandatory)

This field is not optional.  By default it will begin with the number 1, however, you may begin with any number you wish.


Enter the number you wish to increment each block by.  By default, it will increment by 1.


Enter the number of characters in width the identifier field needs to be.  By default, the width is set at 2 characters wide.  With an increment set at 1, this allows a total of 99 blocks (01 through 99).

Suffix (optional)

Enter an optional suffix.  The suffix will always be capitalised.

Restart naming on each new strip

Select this option if you wish the numbering routine used to begin again on each new strip.

Label edited blocks

Select this option to see the names displayed within the blocks.