
Calculate end area cut and fill volumes

The Volume option to calculate and produce an end area 'cut and fill' volumes report. The report file is saved as <wlayer>.00_list (where <wlayer> = the working layer). An example is provided in Appendix A.

To calculate the volumes, this option uses the profiles generated through the Create Profiles option.


  • Select Open Pit menu
  • Select Pit Volumes submenu
  • Select Volume option

You will then be asked whether you want to include a block summary (for reconciliation purposes between planned and actual mining blocks) in the volume calculations.

If the No blocks option is selected, then you will be prompted to indicate the start and end of the section axis. All profiles that the section axis intersects will be included in the volume calculations.

If the Block summary option is selected, then the following panel displays.

Enter the block length and select OK to accept the panel.

You will then need to indicate the start and end of the section axis. Once indicated, the Block Summary panel displays.

Block Summary panel

The information entered through this panel is used in the Block summary section of the report. Strip and seam names can only be 5 characters long.

Select OK.

Note The first block is assumed to begin at the first section line cut by the section axis. This needs to coincide with a block boundary if reconciliations are to be meaningful.

A report similar to that as for the No blocks option displays. There is an additional section to the report for the block summary. This summary gives volumes for each block.

The program assumes the section lines have been created along the strip, and that the first section line cut by the section axis lies along the edge of the first block. The volume for each block thereafter is interpolated from the section lines end areas, so the section line separation does not need to be a factor of the block length.