Graphics Toe/Crest/Road

Change Graphical Attributes

The Graphics Toe/Crest/Road option to change the graphical attributes of the pit design strings (crests, toes and roads).

The Graphics Toe/Crest/Road option can also be accessed by selecting the Graphics Toe/Crest/Road button from the Ramps toolbar.


  • Select Open Pit menu
  • Select Ramps submenu
  • Select Graphics Toe/Crest/Road option

The following panel displays.

Open pit graphics attributes panel

Crests/Toes/Haul road

Select a colour and line type for each item. The colours are selected from the current colour table, and the line style (and line thickness) from a list of line types delivered with Vulcan.

Apply to currently loaded data

Select this check box to apply the modified colours/line types to the loaded strings. If this check box is not checked, then the modified colours/line types will only be applied to new strings.

Select OK.

The graphics attributes are then stored in your Ramps Parameters file.