Road Line

Produce a Road Guide

The Road Line option to generate a haul road guide string, in a specified gradient range, along a pit triangulation. This guide can then be used in the Build Road option to generate the road.

The Road Line option can also be accessed by selecting the Road Line button from the Ramps toolbar.

Note:   This option uses a trial and error technique for the placement of the guide string.


  • Select Open Pit menu
  • Select Ramps submenu
  • Select Road Line option

The following panel displays. If a layer has not been loaded/created prior to selecting the Road Line open, then the Allocate Layer panel will be displayed first.

Haul Road Parameters panel

This panel to specify the preferred gradient, and the gradient range. The gradient can be entered as a percentage (For example, 12%), a ratio (1:10) or as a decimal angular units (either gradians or degrees; the specific angular unit is specified through the Miscellaneous section of the Tools > Preferences option). Refer to Appendix B of the Iroad documentation for additional information on grade specifications.

Select OK.

If more than one triangulation is loaded, then you will be prompted to select a specific pit triangulation.

Indicate the first point. This is the first point for the guide string. Use Snap to Objects mode to snap the point onto the triangulation (surface).

Indicate the next point. Once the points are selected, the Haul Line Construction panel displays. Select OK to proceed.

Indicate the next point. Cancel when you have finished selecting points. Upon cancellation, the Haul Line Completion panel displays. Select OK to proceed.

The guide string is then saved into the currently open layer. If you select Cancel on the Haul Line Completion panel, then the road will be discarded.