Range Diagram

Create a Dragline Bridge/ Spoil

The Range Diagram option helps you to automate the process of designing a dragline bridge, and to automate the generation of a dragline spoil of a given area.

Note:   This option requires you to be in Section view. If you are in Plan view, then you will be passed through the Section View option first.


  • Select Open Pit menu
  • Select Section Design submenu
  • Select Range Diagram option

The Select dialog box displays. This dialog box contains the following options:


The Bridge option creates a single segment object representing the bridge that would be required for the dragline to reach the spoil.

Diagram 1 - Bridge

Once selected, you will be prompted to indicate the top of the highwall and then the top of spoil.

The following panel is then displayed.

Dragline parameter panel

Dragline reach distance

Enter the distance from the bridge edge to the spoil peak so it includes factors for the dragline dump reach, diameter of the tub, and highwall stand off.

Select OK.

You will then be asked whether or not to keep the bridge.

Spoil Area

The Spoil Area option to set the area of a given polygon.

Diagram 2 - Spoil Area

Once selected, you will be prompted to select the spoil polygon and then the line segment to vary.

The following panel is then displayed.

Enter the required area

Enter the required area. The area change is made by shifting one segment of the polygon parallel to itself until the requested area is reached.

Select OK.

You will then be asked whether or not to keep the new spoil.